Looking for a Coronatest Amsterdam? Do you want to travel abroad? In that case, the country of destination may have certain requirements to prevent infection with the coronavirus (COVID-19). In some cases, a corona test (COVID-19 PCR) is required and a statement is requested with a negative COVID-19 test result.
Because in many cases a PCR test is required to enter the country, there are different companies that offer these tests.
Coronatest Amsterdam at Amsterdam PCR test 
Coronalab provides COVID-19 PCR tests for travelers. A is approved by the Dutch government for COVID-19 PCR testing and the PCR certificates are widely accepted. Also, they are testing 6 days per week. The results and the PCR certificate are available on the same day. Click here to make an appointment for a corona test in Amsterdam.
Pcr Test near Schiphol
There is also a location that provides approved COVID-19 PCR tests at the airport. Click here to make an appointment for a corona test in Amsterdam.
you can contact them also by phone at +3120-782 01 01. They are located at Tokyostraat 19p – Lijnden ( 2 km from the airport )
You can also go to the City Clinic for a corona test. You can have an antibody test as well as a PCR test. With the PCR test, you can test whether you are currently infected with the corona virus. This test is mainly intended for travelers who need a “Proof of Corona test” statement within 48 or 72 hours. With the antibody test, you can quickly test whether you have produced antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, better known as COVID-19 or the coronavirus.
Important: You cannot come to the clinic if you have complaints. In that case, you can order the corona PCR home test.
Corona related symptoms
Do you receive complaints related to the coronavirus during your holiday in the Netherlands? Then make an appointment for a test at a test location near your holiday address. Are you a foreign tourist on holiday in the Netherlands and do you receive complaints at your holiday address? Then the following applies to you: stay inside the holiday accommodation and get tested. Make an appointment via the national number 0800-1202. Sometimes this number is not available for tourists. In that case, call +31 850 659 063 to make a test appointment. Click here for more information about being a foreign visitor in Amsterdam and corona.
Want to know more about the coronavirus in Amsterdam? Or are you visiting Amsterdam during corona and do you want to what you can do during your visit?